I felt great this morning. I heard something outside - maybe a fox or a 'dillo. I ran downstairs and out our pet door and barked until it went away. I have to protect everyone when it's dark because Smokey does not go down the stairs by himself except when it's light. I don't know why this is. Maybe he can't see good in the dark or maybe he feels like he has to stay with mom. Anyway, I've always been the one to go outside at night to protect us.
Then I ran back in and flew up the stairs and jumped on the bed and jittered around like I used to do before I got sick. Smokey caught my excitement and he jumped on the bed too. Then the cats woke up. Of course, mom was awake by then.
We went downstairs. Mom fed all the cats including Friskie on the porch. Then she started the coffee and THEN she gave me and Smokey a whole cup of food each! I gobbled it right down. Smokey is puzzled by our new feeding method. Before I got sick mom used to put food in our bowls in the morning and we ate as much as we wanted when we wanted. Now she feeds us in the morning and the evening and she doesn't leave our food down. He does not go after his food with the same gusto as I do. I think it's because he isn't used to having to eat when the food is offered.
I was still hungry so I checked with Buddy to see if he would drop some of his food on the floor for me. He wouldn't. When he finished I checked to see if he'd left some crumbs for me. He hadn't. Stingy cat.
Monday was such a pretty day; it was still cool and all the plants were happy from Saturday's rain. Smokey and I went outside and patrolled a lot. Mom gave me more food in the middle of the day and another cup of food for dinner. I'm still very hungry. Mom thinks I've gained a few ounces. I can't wait to get on the scale on Wednesday.
As you know from the pictures, Smokey has long, dark fur and he gets hot in the summer. He usually sleeps on the AC floor vent in the bedroom and that means the rest of us don't get any cool air. Last year mom took him in for a haircut. He loved it! He's already had one haircut this year but he was looking a little fuzzy.
Hard to say if it was just fur or he had put on a few pounds because he isn't getting quite as much exercise. ON Tuesday he went to see his friend April for another haircut. He loves April too because she makes him beautiful and cool. April says he knows the routine and jumps on the table by himself. He likes the attention.
He looks like a different dog, doesn't he? And he hasn't gained any weight either so that's good. He felt so good when he got home that he went tearing around the yard by himself.
Me and mom ran some errands and went to the pet food store to get me some more Organix dog food. I love that stuff! I seemed to feel a little more tired today. Maybe because Smokey and I patrolled so much on Monday.
Mom says we have to turn in early tonight because we are getting up early to go to Gainesville for my second chemo treatment. The people down there called today to make sure I'm coming. They like me. Smokey will have to stay by himself again but I think he'll be okay. Jane might stop by and pat him on the head a little bit. At least I'll get a couple of hours sleeping in on the way down. I'll let you know how it goes.
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