Thursday night I ate about 3/4 cup of food. Mom had to wake up my appetite with a little peanut butter and some treats. Have I got her trained or what? Of course, Smokey also gets peanut butter and treats so he won't think I get all the special treatment.
I slept all night long and this morning I ate about 1/2 cup of food - Yes! - with peanut butter and treats. I had my prednisone (3/4 tab) and antibiotic with peanut butter. I've been outside several times. I still want to eat grass and managed to bite off part of a blade before mom caught me. She gave me an anti-nausea pill (with peanut butter). I'm going to take a nap now. I still feel a little crummy. She'll see if she can get some more of that nausea pill from the vet before we head into the weekend. I think it would nice to just lay outside in the sun but I can't be trusted.
When we go to the hospital I see lots of other dogs but I don't see any like me. I've seen a German shepherd, several golden retrievers, a St. Bernard, a chihuahua, schnauzer, labs, and that huge Irish wolfhound, but none with my unique lineage. Also I've seen several cats but they are in carriers so I don't know if they are breeds or not. On Wednesday a woman walked by with two carriers but there were parrots inside not cats! I was flummoxed. At least I never feel like I'm looking in the mirror when we go there because there is no other dog like me.
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