Friday, May 6, 2011

May 2, 2011

I had a bad weekend and hardly ate anything. We know something bad is wrong - we just don't want to know what it is. We have to find out so today I went for an ultrasound. This nice man smeared some cold gooey stuff all over my stomach and looked at my insides! It felt strange but mom was there listening to him talk about my liver and my kidneys and such.

He said he saw something around my intestines that looked funny and he wanted to take more x-rays. After that we all listened to what he said. He showed us a shadow (a big shadow) that seemed to be attached to a lymph node (whatever that is). He talked about a "foreign object" which is vet speak for your pet ate a sock or a toy or the kitchen sink. But honest, we haven't eaten anything like that. Well, there was those $20 bills. Oh, and a stick now and then and maybe some bugs and worms but not a sock. YUCK!

He recommended exploratory surgery so mom took me right back to our vet and left me there. I was scared because I haven't stayed there all night by myself since I was a baby and got spayed. To hear mom tell it, the vet opened my belly and said "uh, oh" and sewed me back up again. The vet said it was cancer and she snipped off some tissue and sent it off for testing. I stayed in the hospital another night and got to go home on Wednesday.

Man, was I zonked. Great drugs! I just want to sleep in the warm sunshine. There are pears all around me and for the first time I don't want any.

I know I look dead but my eyes are open a teensy bit.

It was so cold in the hospital and it's so warm in the sun. Ahhhha.
I am kinda hungry though so maybe when I wake up I can eat a little bit. The vet sent home a special food called A/D. Boy, when mom opens a can Smokey and the cats circle around. Mom says it's like buzzards to road kill. (I know, she talks funny sometimes.) But they can't have any because it's for me me me. The Princess. I'm numero uno.
I'm checking out the bald spots on my legs and tummy.

I think I have mange! I didn't have these bald patches when mom left me at the hospital. You know you can pick up some strange diseases in the hospital. What'll I do? It's not fun to still feel a little crummy and be bald too! Eeek!

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