Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Middle Years

I feel a little more with it today but my incision hurts - third day after surgery you know.

When Smokey and I first came to live here we were real little but we grew quickly. Mom was working from home.We took walks and played together. We had a grandma and she came to see us sometimes.She didn't play with us much but she liked to give us treats.

Mom took Smokey to obedience school because he was a headstrong boy. I didn't have to go because I was a good girl. Mom taught me some of the things that Smokey had learned so I wouldn't feel left out. When we got bigger mom went back to work in the office and we were alone all day. That wasn't too bad because we had a pet door so we could go outside and chase squirrels or sleep in the sunshine if we wanted.

Then our grandma got sick and mom had to go stay with her. First she just took us dogs with her but the cats weren't happy at home alone. Cats, being somewhat vindictive creatures, ruined the furniture. Mom decided to take them to grandma's house too. By then it was just Pasquale and Buddy because MacTavish had gone away. The cats didn't like it at the new home any better and they ruined the furniture there too.

A nice lady came to stay with our grandma everyday when mom went to work. I think she liked us too. We had a fenced yard but we had to make our own pet door by breaking the screen in the back door. Mom was none too pleased about that but it's hard to put a pet door in a brick wall or glass door so we got to keep our home made pet door. Mom kind of had her hands full with work and our grandma and those nasty cats. Boy, they complained all the time.

After a few months our grandma went away and we all got to come back to our favorite home. Plus mom brought home a new cat. Pasquale didn't like the new cat so Friskie lives in her own screened porch where Pasquale can't fight her. Sometimes we visit her but mostly she likes being by herself. She had something wrong with her when she got here and mom had to give her shots. The vet said she was stressed by the move and had to have something called insulin. Friskie seems to be happy now and doesn't need her shots.

Friskie Cat on her porch.
After grandma went away mom had to work longer hours and travel more. We were always so happy when mom came home. Mom was happy at work for awhile but then she wasn't. She sold our grandma's house and then she resigned from her job. She said she was too young to retire. We knew mom was unhappy at work but we were really happy that we got to be with her more.

We get to help mom in the yard.
I'm helping keep the deck clean.

Every spring Smokey and I like to eat pears. Sometimes mom shares her apples and carrots with us. If Smokey eats too many carrots the light pink spot on his nose turns almost orange. Smokey and I like to play chase. Smokey is bigger but I'm faster and I can turn quicker too. Sometimes he catches me and drags me to the ground like he's bulldogging a calf. Mom says he plays too rough.

We have a lovely place to sit under the front window and keep the front yard under watch. Sometimes Smokey wants to take a nap

when I would rather play. Lately though, I don't feel much like playing. I'm getting my appetite back and it's time to eat. After that I'll probably take another nap and write more tomorrow.

(Click on a photo to make it larger.)
Sierra and Buddy Cat, July 2010.

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