Monday, June 13, 2011

A week off and now back to Gainesville

We had a week off from treatment and we go back this Wednesday for blood work, an ultrasound and maybe some more chemo. I had blood taken last week and everything looked OK. The ultrasound will be the test to see how things look inside me.

I've had good days and bad days. Some days I want to eat but I've had several days when I don't want to eat. Mom got me rotisserie chicken from Publix and I liked that a lot at first. I might be tired of it now.

It's been so dry with no rain. Mom has to water the flowers every day but the grass is crispy and the leaves on the fig tree are turning yellow. The pears are still small and the trees would get no water at all except the blueberry bushes are nearby and they get watered. We thought the wrens had abandoned the mailbox nest but the eggs have finally hatched and the babies are growing. Mom said we could not take pictures until they are bigger. The mailbox is in the top right of this photo.

Smokey and I spend quite a bit of time in the yard except when I am feeling bad and want to eat grass. Then mom makes me stay inside. When Smokey and I are on watch nothing can slip past us. Smokey is such a good protector, I can grab a few winks when he isn't looking.
Otherwise, we've got our eyes open for squirrel invasions and our ears open for diesel trucks which Smokey does not like.

When I'm inside I can perch on the stairs to keep a look out.

In these times of saving electricity, Smokey has come up with a plan. He sleeps on the air vent in the bedroom. He stays cool but the rest of us get a little warm so we turn on the ceiling fan. Not sure if we are saving any electricity!
Floor vent
Floor vent with cover

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